Forehead Lift

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Philadelphia, PA

Dr. Jonathan Pontell is a nationally recognized expert in Facial Cosmetic Surgery. For more information about the facelift procedure please view our Facelift Philadelphia page.

Forehead Lift Philadelphia

Horizontal lines and other wrinkles on the forehead show up as age and gravity take their toll. A forehead lift in Philadelphia achieves a smoother, more youthful forehead

Our Goal

The primary goal of a forehead lift is to smooth the forehead, effectively minimizing the appearance of wrinkles, creases, and furrows, while simultaneously ensuring the preservation of a naturally positioned eyebrow line. By performing this cosmetic procedure, skilled surgeons like Dr. Pontell aim to achieve a rejuvenated and refreshed facial appearance. Whether it is targeting deep forehead lines, horizontal furrows, or sagging eyebrows, his forehead lift procedure aims to restore a more youthful and harmonious overall facial aesthetic.

Why Choose Dr. Pontell?

Dr. Jonathan Pontell specializes in facial procedures, providing patients with exceptional expertise and experience. As a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, he provides a unique, highly-effective approach to his procedures, ensuring the results are natural-looking and achieve his patients’ aesthetic goals. Dr. Pontell has a reputation as a trusted, top facial plastic surgeon and is a fellow of the American College of Surgeons.

He is a member of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Dr. Pontell personally performs all of his surgeries at his practice, the Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery Center, where patients experience a comfortable, high-end experience. Dr. Pontell ensures the aesthetic journey results in a satisfying outcome and pleasant experience. Call today to learn more about what a forehead lift with Dr. Pontell in Philadelphia can achieve.

What Is a Forehead Lift?

A forehead lift is a surgical procedure that lifts and smooths a lined, sagging brow. A forehead lift is similar to a brow lift. Still, while a brow lift also addresses sagging eyebrows, a forehead lift primarily focuses on smoothing the forehead and achieving a youthful contour.

What Are the Benefits?

  • Smoothed frown lines
  • Decreased tired lines
  • Rejuvenates the upper face
  • Minimal side effects
  • Takes years off the appearance
  • Alleviates tension in the forehead muscles
  • Short recovery period
  • Achieves long-lasting results that look natural and refined

Who Is a Candidate?

Candidates for a forehead lift in Philadelphia would like to smooth a lined or furrowed brow. Ideal candidates should meet the following criteria:

  • Are in good physical health
  • Have no serious medical conditions
  • Do not smoke
  • Are not taking blood-thinning medications or can stop taking these before surgery
  • Have realistic goals for the results of their forehead lift procedure


Forehead Lift Philadelphia

A forehead lift is can be performed under general anesthesia, sedation anesthesia, or local anesthesia. Once this takes effect, Dr. Pontell will make precise incisions around the forehead to ensure any scarring is nearly invisible. These incisions are used to gently release and elevate the brow tissues. Dr. Pontell will then lift the skin and settle it into a more youthful, firm contour. Once the skin and tissues are correctly repositioned, the new shape is anchored with sutures.

The Recovery Process

Expect surgical bruising and swelling that will last for up to two weeks. Elevate your head with pillows, stay hydrated, and allow yourself to rest and heal. Most patients are comfortable returning to work within two weeks after their procedure. Avoid exercise or strenuous activity for at least two weeks.

Complementary Procedures

A forehead lift is commonly combined with other procedures, including eyelid surgeryrhinoplasty, a facelift, a neck lift, and others. A combination treatment leaves the appearance more youthful, smooth, and firm. If you’re interested in a combination procedure, Dr. Pontell will discuss these options during your consultation.