About Us

About Us

Welcome to the Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery Center in Wayne, PA, where Dr. Jonathan Pontell, Dr. Catherine Weng, and their staff help patients put their best face forward with caring, personalized service. Our practice offers a warm, inviting atmosphere for both women and men who are looking to enhance their appearance and feel great about the way they look.

From the least invasive to the most complex procedures, every patient seeking facial plastic surgery or non-surgical options for facial rejuvenation receives the scrupulous attention to detail and thoughtful planning required when dealing with the delicate structures of the face. There are no “simple” surgeries when a patient’s face is at stake, and our plastic surgeons are committed to ensuring patients are comfortable and at ease while in their care. Dr. Jonathan Pontell and Dr. Catherine Weng are both double-board certified facial plastic surgeons who have extensive training and experience in state-of-the-art facial rejuvenation procedures. They also surround themselves with a team of skilled medical professionals and technicians who all subscribe to the same basic patient care philosophy, which is to provide every individual who walks through our doors with customized care, an attentive and compassionate approach, and a commitment to safe treatment and beautiful, natural-looking results.

The links below will take you to individual pages that offer a more detailed view of our practice, our surgeons, and other important information. If you have questions, or if you would like to talk with someone who can assist you with setting up an initial consultation, please don’t hesitate to contact our office.

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Welcome to The Aesthetic Facial Plastic Surgery Center