BlogCommon Reasons for Revision Rhinoplasty

Common Reasons for Revision Rhinoplasty

Of all the facial features, the nose can create some of the most significant and lasting insecurities. Men and women have sought out rhinoplasty for decades to reshape and resize their nose. Even though rhinoplasty is performed often, and has been performed for many years, it is still one of the most challenging procedures to tackle. Unforeseen complications arise in rhinoplasty surgeries far more often than anyone would like, and unfortunately, the causes are not always because of the surgeon’s or patient’s doing.

Rhinoplasty is a complex procedure performed on patients with differing skin thicknesses, cartilage thicknesses, nasal shape, and healing abilities. Some patients choose rhinoplasty to alter a nose they’ve always disliked, others turn to rhinoplasty as a corrective procedure after injury or facial trauma. And while the reasons for rhinoplasty are diverse and varied, there is one undeniable and undesirable linking fact: there is a chance that revision rhinoplasty may be necessary. Revision rhinoplasty is performed to correct unsatisfactory results from a previous procedure.

Nose surgery patients are candidates for revision rhinoplasty if they are unhappy with the appearance of their surgically altered nose. In many cases, revision rhinoplasty shouldn’t be done sooner than a year after the initial surgery.

Further Enhance the Angle, Size, and Shape

Rhinoplasty addresses insecurities such as nasal humps, flat bridges, wide nostrils, upturned nasal tips, and drooping nasal tips. Occasionally, the initial rhinoplasty procedure doesn’t reach the full level of correction desired by the patient. Perhaps the nasal tip was over-rotated or under-rotated; maybe too much or too little cartilage was removed from the bridge of the nose. Maybe the wrong techniques were employed, ones that didn’t match the correct combination of skin and cartilage thickness. Revision rhinoplasty can re-address nasal insecurities to provide further correction and alteration.

Enhance Breathing

Breathing enhancement is a common reason for rhinoplasty. A deviated septum, whether natural or the result of an injury, creates functional difficulty for a nose and requires surgical correction. Occasionally, a deviation can result from the initial surgery and lead to breathing problems, trouble sleeping, sinus infections, and headaches. Revision rhinoplasty can correct a deviated septum or other internal nasal complications to allow for better nasal function.

Correct a Poorly Healed Nose

Every patient heals from rhinoplasty in their own way, depending on their nasal anatomy, age, and external factors. It is impossible to predict the exact healing of any patient, and as most rhinoplasty results take a year to completely heal and take its final shape, revision rhinoplasty may be required.

Correct an Injury

Facial injuries and trauma can occur at any time, whether or not a previous rhinoplasty was performed. Falls, accidents, sports, and simply living life all put you at risk of a nasal injury that may require surgical correction. As the nose projects from the face, it sometimes seems as though it is a beacon for injury. Revision rhinoplasty can correct an injured nose whether or not rhinoplasty has already been performed.

To set up a revision rhinoplasty consultation with Dr. Jonathan Pontell, call 610-688-7100.